Our Rising Damp Treatment System
To treat Rising Damp, we use our industry’s two leading damp-proof course remedial systems. Dryzone and Westox W50. Both have proven to be superior long term solutions in the rectification of rising damp. Dryzone – the world’s most rigorously tested rising damp treatment. The Dryzone system is fast, clean and effective. The introduction of the patented Dryzone damp-proofing cream has revolutionised the treatment of rising damp. The Dryzone cream has introduced by means of a specialised applicator gun into a series of holes dried into the mortar course. Once the Dryzone is installed, it diffuses into where it is most needed before curing to form a water repellent resin. Dryzone has many advantages over conventional chemical injection systems.
- Quick to install – no waiting for fluid to soak in under pressure
- High strength formulation – does not introduce large volumes of liquid carrier into the wall
- Low hazard – non caustic, non flammable and not injected under pressure
- Spillage and mess virtually eliminated – no problems with fluid flooding through party walls
- Product is injected into mortar joint and NOT the brick itself making it far less visible on completion
Superior performance: Dryzone has been tested by numerous european test houses and undergone extensive in-house testing. Results have proven that Dryzone is highly effective in a wide range of conditions and types of wall, and show that Dryzone provides:
- Superior performance to competing products
- High performance even in old mortar and masonry such as that found in Victorian buildings
- Effective treatment for cavity, rubble-infill and single leaf construction walls
Dryzone is also effective in situations where the wall is:
- Highly saturated
- Cold or warm
- Very porous
- Of high or low alkalinity
- Constructed using cement or lime mortar
The high performance formulation of Dryzone damp-proofing cream is trusted by professional installers around the world. To date, over four million tubes of Dryzone have been sold, enough to successfully treat rising damp in over 26 million metres of 4.5 inch wall. The Westox W50 chemical injection system. This rising damp treatment is effective, fast and clean. The system involves using a course of bricks to become the new damp course, whereby a series of holes are drilled at an appropriate depth at predetermined spacings. The Westox Chemical Injection Pump is then introduced and injection lances are placed into the holes and a seal is formed by a rubber expansion washer, which creates a seal and holds the lance firmly into the brickwork.